How to Drink Less Without Feeling Deprived!

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Women’s drinking has been rising dramatically during the last couple of years. It’s become our go-to for numbing and escaping the challenges of modern, busy life in a pandemic. The good news is more and more women are questioning their relationship with alcohol.

If you’re starting to wonder if alcohol is still serving you, please celebrate that awareness! Drinking less (or not at all) is a positive wellness choice, and I'm on a mission to normalize that decision.

Join me as I share the 5 keys to making alcohol small and irrelevant in your life. Based on the practical, science-based approach of This Naked Mind, my path to achieving freedom from alcohol has worked for me and thousands of others. It’s like nothing you’ve ever tried, and it’s truly the way to take alcohol out of the driver’s seat. If you’re ready to take back control over alcohol, and drink less - start...

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How We Spent Our Summer Vacation

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Bite-Sized Balance is back!

In the Season 2 opener, Sarah and I reminisce about how we spent our summer, including our shared “dirty little secret” and our deepening friendship.

We update listeners on our personal hormonal journeys and experiences with hormone replacement therapy and Sarah explains the unexpected possible impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on her cycle.

We discuss the piecemeal nature of care for women in midlife in Canada and the role the patriarchy’s approach to women’s health plays in that.

Grab our new perimenopause/menopause checklist, here:

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Martha Wright: From Vineyards to Mocktails

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Sobercurious or looking to drink a little less? You won't want to miss this episode!

I interview fellow This Naked Mind Coach, Martha Wright, about her decision to become alcohol-free and her midlife career transition from wine importer and vineyard owner to alcohol-free beverage expert & advocate.

Martha and I discuss women’s gray-area drinking and the revolutionary approach to changing your relationship with alcohol: the This Naked Mind philosophy. Martha provides a few of her best tips for living life fully (including visiting wine country!) while staying alcohol-free, along with her best picks for alcohol-free wines, spirits, and botanicals.

Find Martha’s picks list at

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Robyn Berman: Midlife & Midwifery

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In today's episode, I interview Robyn Berman, who pursued a second career in the challenging primary care field of midwifery at the age of 40 while navigating parenthood and midlife (and all that comes with that.) 


I share a bit of my own birth story, and Robyn provides some insight from the midwife and doula perspective. Robyn talks about her recent burnout and decision to leave clinical practice, and what she learned from that. Robyn and I discuss the role of perimenopause and estrogen in their own “midlife rebirths” and reflect back on what we’ve learned in the first half of our lives around balance and stress management as busy working moms.

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Pregancy Loss & Grief: Wendy's Story

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1 in 4 pregnancies ends in loss, and it’s high time we started talking about it.

In this episode, with the help of my BFF Megan, I tell my personal story of recurrent miscarriage and grief.

Of my five pregnancies, only one resulted in a live birth. My friend Megan was there for the grief and joy along the way and shares what she learned about how to best support someone who’s going through infertility and/or loss. I recollect some of the toughest moments, but also the lovely ways I was supported by so many.

The goal of this episode is to help anyone who’s been through this feel less alone and to change the conversation by increasing awareness and sensitivity around this really common struggle for women.

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Ask the Coach: 5 Ways Mindfulness Helps Prevent Burnout

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A simple practice of mindfulness can go a LONG way to preventing the signs and symptoms of burnout.

In this episode, I explain five proven ways a simple meditation, gratitude &/or mindful breathing practice can help to simplify your life, free up time for self-care and reduce your stress in the process.

Tune in to this short episode for some powerful motivation to start slowing down and incorporating some more mindful moments in your day!

For more tips and strategies, follow me on Instagram or Facebook @wendymccallumcoach. 

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Ask the Coach: How Do I Know If I Have a Problem with Alcohol?


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Are you a gray-area drinker? Join the club! Over 80% of North Americans drink and about 70% of them wish they drank less.

How do you know when it’s time to make a change? 

I explore this question in today’s episode, highlighting some of the signs that it may be time to start exploring your relationship with alcohol. 

I also talk about the one question we ask ourselves that doesn't really matter, and the one we need to be asking ourselves more often.

Finally, I give listeners a jumping-off point for starting to dig into their own relationship with alcohol with a simple coaching exercise.

Wish you drank a bit less? There's no need to commit to anything more than getting a little curious. I'd suggest you start by digging into your own beliefs around alcohol with  my 3 FREE alcohol belief-busting videos at

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Ask The Coach - 3 Easy Ways to Start Slowing Down

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The #1 key to preventing and recovering from burnout is to slow the f$#% down, but it's also THE hardest thing for most busy, stressed-out women to make happen!

In this week's "Ask The Coach" episode, I provide three easy, practical ways to start slowing down that can add an element of instant calm to an otherwise nutty day (and bring your cortisol down in the process!). 

Tune in to hear about:

1. The 15 minute morning routine that's changed my days.

2. The simple lunch tip that makes a world of difference when it comes to preventing burnout and improving digestion.

3. A life hack for anyone who "just doesn't have time" to fit a short meditation or mindfulness session in their day.

If you're not ready to roll out your mat and meditate for an hour (raises hand ‍), this one's for you!

Listen to this short episode for some simple yet powerful habit shifts! 

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Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber, ND, RD - "What To Eat When You're Hormonal"

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Jenn Salib-Huber, Intuitive Eating Coach, R.D. & N.D., and I discuss what’s going on with our bodies and hormones during perimenopause and menopause and what we can do to our hormones and wellness through a “food-first” approach.

Specific topics include: “Meno Rage” (that out-of-body experience of wild anger that our hormones can trigger!), the “mid-life pleasure deficit” and how that can affect cravings, emotional eating and the importance of an experiment mindset & self-compassion, why soy does not cause breast cancer, the role of estrogen in weight gain and why we should celebrate it, and mindful and intuitive eating as the key to food freedom.

This is a conversation all women should hear!


Jenn helps women navigate the physical and emotional changes that happen in perimenopause and menopause, including their search for food freedom and body confidence....

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Ask The Coach - Meditation: How To (Actually) Do It & Enjoy It

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In today's Ask The Coach episode, I tackle the big myths women hold around meditation including “I need to turn my thoughts off to meditate, “My brain’s WAY too busy for that” and “Meditation takes too much time”.

I explain how establishing a simple meditation practice can help you train your brain to be in the present more often, which is one key to increasing your daily joy and a very helpful tool in managing anxiety. 

I also discuss some of the many benefits of meditation and the science behind them and provide the basics that you need to start incorporating a basic mindfulness & meditation practice in your life, no matter how busy you are.

All you need is five minutes, a “quiet-ish” spot, your headphones, and a free app!

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